Search & Win

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Have you heard of "endorse"?  Endorse is an application on facebook.  You can join through invites only.  You do not have to read emails or take surveys to earn.  Endorse gives 2% to 10 % cash back to every products that you endorse.  All you have to do is collect all the receipts that you've endorsed and mail it to them.  You may request for an envelope and they will send it to you.  No need for you to pay for the postage because "endorse" is the one paying for the stamps.

It's that easy.  You can try and go to your facebook now and check this out!!!

Good luck!

Friday, March 16, 2012


Hello there! How are you doing today?  As for me, I was busy with school but I still find time to earn a little money online and some I could redeem free stuffs using points.  Yes, POINTS!  Have you tried them yet?  Don't waste your time browsing the net and get nothing in return.  Earning points is just a keys away.  =)
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